
What is a Pinterest Board?

Pinterest is a social media platform that is known for its image-based layout. As of 2022, Pinterest has over 400 million users making it one of the world’s most active platforms. If you’re new to the app, you’re probably wondering what exactly are you supposed to do on Pinterest.

We’ll explain everything you need to know to learn how to use Pinterest to you and your brand’s advantage. 


You might hear some people call Pinterest a “digital scrapbook,” which couldn’t be more true. The second you open the app, you’re hit with tons and tons of pictures that Pinterest believes you’ll be interested in based on past searches and pins.

But, what exactly is a Pin? What’s a Board? How do they work? Let’s get started. 


What is a Pinterest Board?

A Pinterest Board is a collection of your individual Pins. It’s an easier way to organize your ideas into one folder. Your Pins are the actual visual, or picture, that represents the idea you want to save for later on. Pins are what you save to your Board.

Pinterest Board

For example, you can create Boards to organize your Pins that you have about your next party, recipe, remodel, or outfit idea. 


How do you create a Pinterest Board?

If you feel like you want to create a Board for your next event, just use these steps so you can have all of your ideas in one place.

  • Open the Pinterest app. 
  • Click the “+” on the bottom of your screen.
  • Select “Board.”
  • Add a Board name. 
  • Optional: use the toggle button if you want to make your Board secret so it isn’t visible to anyone else
  • Click “Create.”

Pinterest Board

Pinterest Board Pinterest Board

Pinterest will automatically show you some Pins that you might want to add to your Board based on the name you give your Board. 

To add some Pins to your Board, just click the “+” on the bottom right-hand corner of each Pin. Once you finish adding some in, click the “X” in the top left-hand corner. If you notice on the bottom of your screen there’s a “Find more ideas” tab. This is another section you can explore more Pins to add to your Board. 


What is a Pin on Pinterest?

Pins on Pinterest are the actual visual, or picture, that represents the idea you want to save for later on. Pins are what you save to your Board.

Pinterest Idea

For example, if you want to get some ideas about what you want your next charcuterie spread to look like, try searching for some Pins that you can add to your Board based on food spreads. 

Pins are made up of different components when you click on them. After clicking on the Pin, it’ll become bigger and take up the entirety of your screen. If you click it again, you’ll be directed to the link that is associated with that Pin – most of the time it’s a product page with more information. 

You’ll also notice that every Pin has both a title and description to give you some background information on the Pin and what it is. 


How do you pin a Pin on Pinterest?

After you finish creating your Boards, you’ll probably want to find Pins to add in to get some ideas flowing. There are a few ways you can pin pictures. Here’s the first:

  • Open the Pinterest app.
  • On the home screen, you’ll be presented with a bunch of Pins. If you see one you want to add to your Board, just hold in the picture. You’ll see a menu bar pop up with four icons. While still holding on to the picture, drag your finger to the thumbtack. 
  • Select the Board you want to add this Pin to. 
  • It will automatically save the Pin to whichever Board you chose. 

Pinterest Pin

Here’s another way to add some Pins to Boards:

  • Open the Pinterest app. 
  • Click the magnifying glass on the bottom of your screen. 
  • Type in the search bar what you want to pin.
  • From this point forward, you’ll repeat the same process as we did the first time. 
  • When you find a Pin you want to add, just hold in the picture. You’ll see a menu bar pop up with four icons. While still holding on to the picture, drag your finger to the thumbtack. 
  • Select the Board you want to add this Pin to. 
  • It will automatically save the Pin to whichever Board you chose. 



Pinterest was created for people to organize ideas that eventually get brought to life. Next time you need a few ideas, add some Pins to a Pinterest Board to help. 

You’ll find that the easiest way to get your Pins in order is to create Boards beforehand. You’ll be presented with some suggested ideas based on what you name your Board. If you don’t like any of the Pins that you’re faced with, don’t worry. Just type in the search bar what you’re looking for and scroll until you find the idea that’s been in your head for a while. 




Written by Lucia Summa


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