
How to Turn On Captions on TikTok

Captions on TikTok are an essential tool for those who have trouble hearing. Whether you’re someone who might be deaf or someone who would just rather read than listen, TikTok has a feature that generates auto-captions for you when watching videos. 

In this blog post, we’ll explain how to enable TikTok auto-captions. 


How to Turn On Captions on TikTok

Aside from captions being useful to those who can’t hear well, they are also highly beneficial to people who might be in an environment where they can’t turn the audio on. 

To get started on enabling captions of other users’ videos, follow these steps:

  • Open the TikTok app. 
  • Find the video you want to turn captions on for. 
  • Click on the captions icon on the left-hand side of the screen, just above their username. 
    • If the icon doesn’t appear, then chances are there are no words in the video to translate into a caption or the creator has their captions feature turned off. 
  • Captions for the video and all other videos will start to generate right after.

TikTok Captions


How to Turn Off Captions on TikTok

If you decide you don’t want captions to show up anymore when you’re viewing TikToks, you can turn them off, which is just as easy as turning them on.

To get started, follow these steps:

  • Open the TikTok app. 
  • Find the video you want to turn captions off. 
  • Click on the words that appear as the caption of the video on the left-hand side of the screen, just above their username. 
  • Click “Hide captions.”
  • Captions for the video and all other videos will stop right after. 

TikTok Captions off


How to Turn Auto-Captions On For Your Own TikTok Videos

If you’re a content creator and want others to be able to view your videos with the captions on, doing so is pretty simple. 

  • Film your TikTok video.
  • When editing your TikTok video, click on the Captions option on the right-hand side of the screen. 
  • Allow TikTok to analyze and generate captions for your video.
  • Optional: Edit your captions by clicking the pencil icon on the right-hand side if you want them to say something else. 
  • Click “Save.”
  • Edit your TikTok video however else you want by adding a caption or other text.
  • After you upload your post, captions will be available for your viewers.

On the other hand, if you don’t want to have captions on your next TikTok, then just ignore this step and continue editing your video the way you want it without clicking on the captions button. 



Auto captions on TikTok might not seem like a big deal to the average scroller, but to some, it might be the best feature a video app has ever introduced. Whether you’re someone who likes having subtitles on for everything or someone who can’t hear well, this feature might be just for you.

Take what you’ve learned from this blog post and decide whether you want to have captions as you scroll through TikTok. 

Written by Lucia Summa

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